Internet Safety #P5
Internet Safety

At St. Paul's Primary School, our pupils’ safety is of paramount importance, not least when they are online. Please use the information below as a guide as to how to stay safe online!
Here are some good tips for staying safe online
It's always a good idea to make sure a parent, teacher or guardian knows when you're surfing the net.
That way, if you see or are sent anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or upset while you're online, you can tell them.
What information shouldn't I put online?
Don't give out any personal information online as people may use it to contact you when you don't want them to.
Never give out:
- Your real name or your friends' names
- Your home, school or email address
- Your home or mobile phone numbers
- A photo of yourself
- Your parents' bank or credit card details
Can I meet people I meet online in person?
Don't arrange to meet anyone you've met online, no matter how well you think you know them.
Meeting someone you've only been in touch with online can be dangerous as they may have been lying about who they are.
What if I'm asked to register on a website?
If a website asks you to register online and you have to fill out an email form, always ask for an adult's opinion.
There's a few websites where you can get help and advice, both on CBBC and elsewhere.
If you do register, never use your real name as your online screen name or nickname.
Very often the website is just trying to sell you something.
Internet Safety - Social Networks

What is private chat?
This is using part of a chatroom where other people can't see what you're saying.
Never agree to a private chat with someone unless you already know them face-to-face, in real life.
You can also have private chats on "instant messaging".
Instant messaging - sometimes shortened to IM - is a computer program that allows you to send messages that other users receive straight away.
It is best only to do this with people you already know in real life.
If you get to a chatroom through instant messaging, remember to follow the same safety rules you would use if you were chatting anywhere else.
What about social networking sites?
Social networking sites are places where you can keep in touch with friends and let people know what you're up to. Popular ones include Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Instagram, WhatsApp and Snapchat.
You normally have to be at least 13 to register on them, and even then you often need your parents' permission.
They can be dangerous though because you must be careful not to post personal information about yourself.
Also, you must keep your password to yourself, or else people could write nasty things pretending to be you.
St. Paul's Primary School, 34-36 Mica Drive, Belfast BT12 7NN | Phone: 028 9032 8968