Eco Council

The Eco-Council is the action team and the driving force behind the Eco-Schools work.
It must include:
- Pupils chosen or elected to represent different year groups and the whole school
- A member of staff (the Eco-Coordinator) to support but not lead the council
The role of the Eco-Council
The Eco-Council is tasked to:
- Ensure that the whole school is aware of the Eco-Schools programme
- Take the lead in carrying out the Environmental Review
- Ensure that everyone in the school community is represented in the decision-making process (as far as possible)
- Provide a link between pupils, teachers, senior management team, governors and the whole school community
- Take the lead in delivering the Eco-Schools Action Plan
St. Paul’s Eco Update 1
Welcome to the first Eco update of the school year! We have a really exciting year ahead in St. Paul’s and myself and the eco-committee can’t wait to get stuck in to all our eco needs.
This year we are reapplying for our Green Flag and as part of that process we have elected a new eco council! They will be in charge of running the eco schools program this year.
The 1st order of business will be carrying out an environmental review then we will draw up our new eco code to reflect our eco goals in school!
Thank you all for your support.
Mr. Martin and the Eco-Council
St. Paul’s Eco – Update 2
Well it’s been a great start to the eco year for myself and the eco-council. We met last week and carried out our environmental review.
The three areas that we are going to target are:
3: Global perspective
These three topics have been highlighted in the review as areas that we really need to address as a whole school and community. And that’s a really important element of applying for our green flag, it’s not just our school that is impacted by these topics but are whole community, especially in the area of littering.
We are looking forward to tackling all of these areas together as a school community! Thanks for your continued support.
Mr. Martin and the Eco- Council
St. Paul’s Eco Update 3
It has already been a great start to the year with the eco council and we’ve already done some really important work in the school. We’ve been working especially hard on the WASTE topic of our eco goals.
In particular we are looking at plastic and the effect that it has on the planet and our St. Paul’s community. Plastic is one of the biggest polluters in the world so we in St. Paul’s have taken it upon ourselves to tackle plastic and help try to save our planet.
To do this we first had to see just how much plastic goes to waste in Saint Paul’s, so over the last week we collected all the plastic water bottles that would have been thrown in the bin in a normal week. We collected a staggering 150 water bottles!
This can not continue and we the eco- council are going to help Saint Paul’s fight back against all plastic waste!
Thanks for all your support
Mr. Martin and the Eco-Council
Saint Paul’s Eco – Update 4
One of our main aims this year in Saint Paul’s is to tackle the amount of litter in our school and in or community.
We pride ourselves in Saint Paul’s as being a litter free school but somehow litter keeps creeping into our playground. The eco-council are committed in their fight against littering anywhere, but especially in our own school and community.
With this is mind we have arranged for visitors from the city council to come and talk to our pupils about littering and we are also going to be carrying out litter picks from now until the end of the year in our school and in our community. It is our goal to ensure that every class has the opportunity to learn about the dangers of littering.
Thanks for your continued support
Mr. Martin and the Eco – Council
Saint Paul’s Eco update 5
Well true to our word we are tackling the issue of litter head on and have been out into the community to conduct a litter pick as part of the Live Here Love Here big spring clean initiative.
The eco council conducted their litter pick around the streets of Beechmount and collected a staggering amount of rubbish and recyclable material.
Well done Eco- Council!
Thanks you as always for your continued Support
Mr. Martin and the Eco – Council
Saint Paul’s Eco Update 6
One of the topics that we are tackling as a whole school this year is a topic called the ‘Global perspective’ this is a topic that aims to raise awareness about the inequalities that exist in the world and what we can do to target them.
As always Saint Paul’s is running a Trocaire campaign raising money for and highlighting the needs of people less fortunate than ourselves around the world. But this year we are going a step further and raising awareness about fair trade in our school as well.
We all really enjoyed the fair trade assembly put on by Mrs. Reed and the Student Council and are now looking forward to lots more fair trade events throughout the year including fair trade pancake Tuesday a Fairtrade coffee morning and the opportunity to give all the pupils fair trade fruit in our school.
Let’s all work together to help those in need around the world and help ‘Make Poverty History’
Many thanks Mr. Martin and the Eco – Council.
St. Paul’s Eco – Update 7
What an amazing year it has already been in St. Paul’s. This is just a quick update to let you know how we are progressing with all our eco – goals.
Waste: We are continuing to combat waste in our school with a special emphasis on making ourselves 100% plastic waste free. Would you believe that we have already collected nearly 2000 plastic bottles this year in our school and through our litter picks! With this in mind the eco- council would like to urge everyone in Saint Pauls to come to school with a reusable water bottle.
Litter: We are fighting litter in Saint Paul’s and continue to carry out litter picks in our school and in our community!
Global Perspective: St. Paul’s staff room is officially a Fairtrade staff room with FT tea and coffee available at any time! Fairtrade pancake Tuesday was a great success even if it turns out Mr. Martin in not the best chef in the world!
Thanks again for your continued support
Mr. Martin and the Eco – Council
Saint Paul’s Eco – Update 8
Thank you all for your support throughout the year so far. This year really has been a team effort to tackle our eco-goals.
This was really highlighted at the FT coffee morning last week the pupils had a blast and loved showing and talking to you all about the great work they have been doing in their councils this year.
Congratulations to the lucky winners of our fair trade hampers, and I’m already looking forward to our end of year council BBQ with fair trade goodies on the menu!
I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you about our battery collection point in Mrs Hughes’ office, even if you have already brought in your battery box you can still keep donating to help us fight battery waste!
Thanks as ever for your continued support
Mr. Martin and the Eco – Council
St. Paul’s Eco – Update 9
As the end of the school year approaches the eco –council are working as hard as ever to meet our eco goals and achieve our green flag.
We have made great progress in the areas of waste, littering and the global perspective this year but there is still a lot of work to be done.
We have received word that our Green Flag review will be carried out on the 6th of June and we can’t wait to show all the work we’ve been doing up in Saint Paul’s. Thank you for all your work alongside the eco council this year! Let’s keep it up right until the finish line!
Thank you
Mr. Martin and the Eco - Council
St. Paul's Primary School, 34-36 Mica Drive, Belfast BT12 7NN | Phone: 028 9032 8968