P5B-Mr Finnegan
Hello and welcome to P5B's page #BestClass
We've settled in well and are making steady progress this year settling in well to the new routine in Key Stage 2. We've been working on developing our independent learning and maturity, getting ready to progress through Key Stage 2 and beyond.
This term we are learning all about the Ancient Egyptians in the World Around Us. We've had an exciting time at the start of the year getting ready for making our First Holy Communion after it was delayed last year due to COVID. We are working on developing our Numeracy and Literacy skills and making steady progress. We have also started using Google Classroom to great success and using Seesaw in class to develop our ICT skills and enhance our digital learning.
Please keep visiting our class page here to stay updated with all our #BestClass antics!
Mr O'Boyle and P5B #BestClass
Class Photograph

St. Paul's Primary School, 34-36 Mica Drive, Belfast BT12 7NN | Phone: 028 9032 8968